After months of intensive work, Bulgaria’s national broadcaster BNT has revealed that Kristian Kostov will represent the country in 2017 with Beautiful Mess. Kristian follows in the footsteps of Poli Genova who represented the country with If Love Was A Crime, achieving Bulgaria’s best ever placing in the Eurovision Song Contest.According to, when asked about his song, Beautiful Mess, Kristian gave an interesting explanation as to why he and his songwriting team chose this title. “Beautiful Mess is authentic, interesting and transmits the sentiment and the main idea of the song. I like the song, because it’s what I am. Last November, I started working with Bobby [the composer Borislav Milanov] with the idea to submit a song for Eurovision either for this year or next. As a performer, now I’m trying to find myself and actually Beautiful Mess is my first song that has a deeper meaning. I like it a lot. My vision for the future is actually to do projects that make sense, so that’s a step in the right direction for me. Besides this, my fans will see me in a different light than in my past projects, so I am really curious to find out what their reaction will be”.Born in Moscow on 15 March 2000, Kristian is the youngest performer in the Eurovision Song Contest this year. The selection of Kristian follows the theme of the contest this year, Celebrate Diversity, since his father is Bulgarian and his mother is from Kazakhstan. In 2014 he was one of the finalists of The Voice Kids in Russia where he reached the final. Eurovision winner Dima Bilan was his mentor in the show.
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