Emirates [EMIRA.UL], the largest international airline by passenger traffic, said on Wednesday it was cutting flights on five U.S. routes after restrictions imposed by President Donald Trump’s administration weakened demand from the Middle East, according to Reuters.Since taking office, Trump has signed two executive orders banning refugees and citizens from several Muslim-majority countries from visiting the United States. Although both moves were blocked by U.S. judges, some travelers have been deterred.The U.S. administration also introduced new security measures in March banning electronic devices larger than a mobile phone from being taken into aircraft cabins on direct flights to the United States from several Middle East locations.”The recent actions taken by the U.S. government relating to the issuance of entry visas, heightened security vetting and restrictions on electronic devices in aircraft cabins have had a direct impact on consumer interest and demand for air travel into the U.S.,” an Emirates spokeswoman said.”Over the past three months, we have seen a significant deterioration in the booking profiles on all our U.S. routes, across all travel segments,” the Emirates spokeswoman said.Under changes announced in a statement on Wednesday, Emirates said direct flights to Fort Lauderdale and Orlando would drop to five a week in May from daily flights, while Seattle and Boston flights would be reduced to a daily service in June from two a day.Twice daily Los Angeles flights would also be reduced in July to one a day, Emirates said.
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