ASE EXPRESS & OCS, DSV has become a partner of the 4th International Caspian Energy Forum-2017 which will take place in Baku on April 12, 2017.First Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) and Caspian American Club Telman Aliyev said that “ASE EXPRESS & OCS, DSV has become a partner of the International Caspian Energy Forum. The company is a stable partner of Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) and Caspian American Club. It takes an active part in events we arrange in the countries of the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic regions”.General Director of Baku office of ASE EXPRESS & OCS, DSV Rashad Abasov stated that they are very pleased to be a partner of such an important event in the Caspian region as Caspian Energy Forum-2017 which will gather businessmen from 50 countries of the world. He noted that the company for many years has been closely cooperating with the Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) and Caspian American Club and takes an active part in Club events.ASE EXPRESS & OCS, DSV has been operating in the cargo transportation market of Azerbaijan since 1994 and represents Turkish and Japanese transport companies – ASE EXPRESS, OCS and DSV. The Company ensures timely delivery of goods from the Western and Eastern Europe, Central and South-East Asia, North and South America to any part of Azerbaijan. It organizes a full range of associated services: from consolidation of cargoes and insurance right up to the customs registration.
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